Das Vorlesungsverzeichnis Bachelor Informatics

Bachelor Applied Computer Science
Bachelor Informatics
Bachelor Medical Informatics
Master Digital Media (Summer)
Master Digital Media (Winter)
Master Informatics (Summer)
Master Informatics (Winter)

1. Semester
Computer Science and Logic Project-oriented Studies
Computer Engineering and Media Technology

2. Semester
Operating Systems / Web Computing Formal Languages / Automata Theory
Mathematics II Media design
Programming II Programming II
Computer Systems Organisation

3. Semester
Operating Systems / Networks Databases
Introduction to Security
Core elective modules B-INF-Profil
Alternative Programming Paradigms Image Processing
Computer Animation

4. Semester
Multiple Computing Practicals Software Engineering
Core elective modules B-INF-Profil
Data Visualization) Introduction to TypeScript
Introduction to Knowledge Processing Foundations of Machine Learning
Foundations of Interactive Media International Media Camp
JEE Technologies and Applications) Mobile Applications and Systems
Objectoriented Skripting Languages
Studium Generale
Communicative Competence Introduction to Project Management
Organization/Process Management Law

5. Semester
Introduction to scientific writing Project
Core elective modules B-INF-Profil
Introduction to Audio and Video Multimedia Production
Network security Parallel Computing
P: Anwendungen in der IT Sicherheit (P-AITSEC) P: Applikationen in Diagnostik und Therapie
P: Künstliche Intelligenz P: Maschinelles Lernen in der Praxis
P: Netzwerksicherheit - OSINT-Analyse P: Panos
Studium Generale
Business Administration Fun-Preneurship
Computer science and society

6. Semester
Bachelor Dissertation Thesis Seminar
Work Placement Work Placement Seminar