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INFB  Foundations of Interactive Media Course INF
Lecturers : Micha Kodalle    eMail
Term 4
Course Classification : Bachelor Informatik, Profil-Katalog B-INF-Profil CH 4
Language : Englisch Type VÜ 
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : term paper with oral examination 
Requirements :
Cross References :  
Previous knowledges :  
Aids and special features : Mode of asessment
Coursework with oral examination
Graded: yes
Continuous Evaluation for assignments. 
Teaching aims : Students will know the basics of interactive media design. They will be able to structure workflows for conceptualising media and design them with dramatic effect. Students will know the special characteristics of synchronous and asynchronous programming and will be able to guide users as regards conceptual and aesthetic demands. Students will know the differences between online and offline applications and be able to prepare and integrate external media. They will be able to use relevant software programmes (for example, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe/Macromedia Director, Adobe/Macromedia Flash, Adobe/Macromedia Dreamweaver). 
Contents :

1. Screen design
2. Interface design
3. Introduction to usability and accessability
4. Dramatic effect in interactive media
5. User guidance
6. Features of synchronous and asynchronous programming
7. Integrating external media
Differences between online and offline applications and quality assurance  

Literature : Joachim Böhringer et al.: Kompendium der Mediengestal-tung für Digital- und Printmedien, Berlin 2000
Steve Krug: Don t make me think!, Bonn 2002
Jakob Nielsen: Erfolg des Einfachen, München 2000
Brenda Laurel: Computers as Theatre, Reading 2000
New Masters of Flash/Vol. 3 Friends of ED Birmingham 2004
Sharp H., Rogers Y., Preece J.: Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, New York 2002
Moock C.: Essential ActionScript 3.0, Sebastopol 2007 

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