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INFB  Media design Course INF
Lecturers : Prof. Dr. Jessica Broscheit    eMail
Term 2
Course Classification : Bachelor Informatik CH 4
Language : Deutsch/Englisch Type VÜ 
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : term paper with oral examination 
Requirements :
Cross References :  
Previous knowledges :  
Aids and special features : Mode of asessment
Additional assessments during the semester may be included in the final grading. 
Teaching aims : The students know the basics of designing the visual media (typography / type design, color / light, composition / shape / layout, space / time and movement).
Based on these competences, the students are able to use pictorial means for the design of print and screen media purposefully and aesthetically.
To do this, students master the functions of relevant software solutions for creative image and graphics editing.
The students know the basics of the theory of perception.  
Contents :

1. Typography and type design (history and theory)
2. Colour (physics of colours, colour psychology, colour theory)
3. Colour management (colour spaces, device profiles, colour correction)
4. Form, composition (art history, design theory)
5. Picture design (picture retouching, creative image manipulation)
6. Graphical user interfaces (GUI, interface design)
7. Analytical vision and visual features
8. Experiencing space and time
9. Fundamentals of Semiotics 

Literature : Aicher, Otl: Richtlinien und Normen für die visuelle Gestaltung, München, 1969
Joachim Böhringer et al.: Kompendium der Mediengestaltung für Digital- und Printmedien, Berlin 2000
Gerhard Braun: Grundlagen der Visuellen Kommunikation, München 1993
Droste, Magdalena: Bauhaus, Köln, 2019
Götz V.: Typo digital, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 2004
Itten J.: Kunst der Farbe, Ravensburg, 1987
Maeda, John: Simplicity – Die zehn Gesetze der Einfachheit, München, 2007
Neutzling U.: Typo und Layout im Web, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 2002
Skopec D.: Layout digital, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 2004
Stankowski A., Duschek K.: Visuelle Kommunikation, Berlin, 1994
Turtschi R.: Mediendesign, Sulgen, 1998  

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