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INF2516  Network security CourseINF
Lecturer : Prof. Dr. phil. Dipl.-Math. Barbara Wiesner   eMail | Homepage
Course Classification : Informatics, Digital mediaCH3
Language : German Type L E
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : written examination 120 min 
Requirements : Operating systems and computer nets II
Cross References :  
Previous knowledge :  
Aids and special features :  
Teaching aims : Understanding the significance, getting to know attack scenarios and measures to combat them 
Contents :

Representation of known breaches of security and possible security measures. Short introduction to viruses, worms and other security threats.
Construction of firewalls and how they work.
Security through cryptography.
Data protection, law in the Internet
Analysis and discussion of current cases 

Literature : K. Fuhrberg: Internet-Sicherheit. Hanser 2000
D. Come: Computernetzwerke und Internets. Prentice Hall 1998
W. R. Cheswick, S. M. Bellovin: Firewalls und Sicherheit im Internet. Addison-Wesley 1996
N. Doraswamy, D. Harkins: IPSec - Der neue Sicherheitsstandard für das Internet, Intranets und virtuelle private Netze. Addison-Wesley 2000
R. E. Smith: Internet-Kryptographie. Addison-Wesley 1998 

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