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INF1233  Operating systems and computer nets II CourseINF
Lecturer : Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Arno Fischer   eMail | Homepage
Course Classification : InformaticsCH3
Language : German Type L E
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : written examination 120 min 
Requirements : Operating systems and computer nets I
Cross References :  
Previous knowledge :  
Aids and special features :  
Teaching aims : Using operating system calls and libraries with C, basic concepts of process synchronising and communication 
Contents :

Semaphores, msq, monitors, signals, classical problems of process communication, construction of data systems, input and output operations, case studies UNIX and DOS/Windows, overview of LAN/WAN technologies (Ethernet, Token, FDDI, ISDN, X.25, DQDB, ATM) 

Literature : Andrew S. Tannenbaum: Moderne Betriebssysteme, Hanser Fachbuchverlag; Prentice Hall, L. 1994
Abraham Silberschatz et al.: Operating System Concepts, Addison Wesley Longman 1991 (Englisch)
Maurice J. Bach: UNIX. Wie funktioniert das Betriebssystem?, Hanser Fachbuchverlag; Prentice Hall, L. 1991 

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