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INF  Mathematics I CourseINF
Lecturer : Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dietmar Uhlig   eMail | Homepage
Course Classification : InformaticsCH4
Language : German Type L E
Type of examination : PVL  Credits
Method of evaluation : exercise certificate 
Requirements :  
Cross References :  
Previous knowledge : School mathematics 
Aids and special features :  
Teaching aims : Improving skills in solving linear equation systems, including calculating with matrixes, determinants and vectors. Knowledge of quantities, images, groups, rings, fields and vector spaces and the ability to work with them. 
Contents :

Complex numbers, determinants, matrixes, linear equation systems, substitution processes, vectors (Basis, scalar product, scalar triple product), quantities and functions, groups, rings, fields, vector spaces. 

Literature :  

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