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INFB  Mathematics I Course INF
Lecturers : Prof. Dr. Duc Khiem Huynh   
Term 1
Course Classification : Bachelor Informatik CH 4
Language : Deutsch/Englisch Type VÜ 
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : written examination 120 min 
Requirements :
Cross References :  
Previous knowledges :  
Aids and special features : Mode of Assessment:
Additional assessments during the semester may be included in the final grading.  
Teaching aims : The students lose their timidity of mathematics.
They learn about the importance of mathematics for computer science.
They are able to apply mathematical tools in concrete computer science applications.
They are familiar with mathematical thinking (abstraction, precision, logical reasoning).
They are proficient in using the language of mathematical formulae.
They are able to express concepts in different representations (graphical, formulae,…) and to translate between different representations.
They are familiar with abstract concepts such as equivalence classes, injective/surjective/bijective functions.
They are able to solve the following problems:
• modelling using sets
• modelling using functions
• compute limits of sequences and geometric series
• using the rules of differentiation
• using modulo arithmetics in Zm  
Contents :

Sets and set operations, power set, cartesian product, binomial coefficients
Relations (Equivalence relations and classes)
Functions (injective, surjective, bijective functions, inverse function, trigonometric functions and their inverses)
Prime numbers, divisibility and modular arithmetic (congruence relation, ISBN check sum)
Computing in Zm, extended euklidean algorithm
sequences, series and convergence
basics of differential calculus  

Literature : Hagerty R.: Diskrete Mathematik für Informatiker, Bonn: Addison-Wesley, 2004
Schubert M.: Mathematik für Informatiker. Wiesbaden: Vieweg und Teubner Verlag 2009
Socher R.: Mathematik für Informatiker. München: Hanser 2011
Teschl S. und Teschl G.: Mathematik für Informatiker, Band 1, Diskrete Mathematik und Lineare Algebra. 3. Aufl. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer 2008 

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