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INF3226  Processing of knowledge CourseINF
Lecturer : Dipl.-Inform. Ingo Boersch   eMail | Homepage
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Heinsohn   eMail | Homepage
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Friedhelm Mündemann   eMail | Homepage
Course Classification : Informatics, Intelligent systemsCH3
Language : German Type L E
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : written examination 120 min 
Requirements : Representation of knowledge
Cross References :  
Previous knowledge :  
Aids and special features :  
Teaching aims : Acquisition of the procedures involving the representation of knowledge and artificial intelligence and its practical application in the field of intelligent systems 
Contents :

Fuzzy control (development environment SIE Fuzzy) Basics of neuronal nets (Development environment SNNS). Constraints, modelling time knowledge and temporary closing, sensor data fusion with KI processes (Bayes Nets), modelling of situations, planning procedures and systems (Strips planner in prolog) 

Literature : W. Kinnebrock: Neuronale Netze, Oldenbourg Verlag 1992
J. Heinsohn, R. Socher-Ambrosius: Wissensverarbeitung - Eine Einführung, Spektrum-Verlag 1999 

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