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INF3114  Software-Engineering CourseINF
Lecturer : Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Schmidt   eMail | Homepage
Course Classification : InformaticsCH3
Language : German Type L E
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : written examination 120 min 
Requirements :  
Cross References :  
Previous knowledge : S1S in informatics 
Aids and special features : An entire software Project has to be completed by a team (2-3 Persons). 
Teaching aims : Knowledge required to carry out a major software project and in particular the various phases during the development of the software and the methods used as well as the concepts of project, team and quality management. 
Contents :

* requirements-engineering, requirements specification
* projectmanagement, fixed price projects, effort-estimations
* (objectorientated) design, UML, OO-Design, design-patterns
* process-models: RUP, XP and others
* implementation and post development phases: testing, exertion, maintenance
* quality control, (oo)-testing
* design and realisation of a 3-tier Enterprise-System based on application-server technologies.
* software-Engineerings tools. 

Literature : Heide Balzert: Lehrbuch der Objektmodellierung Analyse und Entwurf
Helmut Balzert:Lehrbuch der Software-Technik 2;Software-Management, Software-Qualitätssicherung, Unternehmensmodellierung
Martin Fowler, Kendall Scott:UML konzentriert
P. Brössler, J. Siedersleben (Herausgeber): Softwaretechnik;

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