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MEDI  Data Processing with MATLAB™ Course INF
Lecturers : Prof. Dr. Thomas Schrader    eMail
Dr. Katja Orlowski    eMail
Term 3
Course Classification : Bachelor Medizininformatik, Katalog B-MED-INF Wahlpflicht CH 4
Language : Deutsch/Englisch Type VÜ 
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : written examination 120 min 
Requirements :
Cross References :  
Previous knowledges : First programming experience
Knowledge of matrices and complex numbers
(Basic knowledge in medicine and medical informatics)  
Aids and special features : Additional assessments during the semester may be included in the final grading. 
Teaching aims : Understanding
The students understand the different forms of data (text, numbers, tables, images, sound). They can explain the special properties of each data form. They can explain the components of the data lifecycle.
The students can analyze and describe the relationship between data, information, and knowledge. They can import data from different sources using MATLAB™. They can conduct simple analyses.
The students can assess medical data regarding the quality and content-related information. They can identify relevant information within a given dataset.
The students apply the fundamental principles of the ETL-process (Extract, Transform, Load). They can conduct analyses independently. Implementing
The students can implement simple ETL-processes in MATLAB™.  
Contents :

Introduction to MATLAB™
Introduction to the IDE of MATLAB™
Data structures in the form of matrices
Implementing functions
Structuring the source code
Introduction to GUI development
Data types, especially medical data
measured data, sensor data, text data
matrices, tables, lists, structs
Extract – get Data from Excel, CSV, text files, and images
Transform – data adjustment, criteria of data quality
Load – load data for further analyses
Explorative data processing and analysis
Usage and applying different types of plots
Creating of informative aggregations  

Literature : Schweizer W.: MATLAB kompakt, Oldenbourg 2013.
Werner M.: Digitale Signalverarbeitung mit MATLAB, Springer Verlag 2012
Gonzales R.C., Woods R.E., Eddins S.L.: Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, Pearson 2004
Hoffmann J., Quint F.: Signalverarbeitung mit MATLAB und Simulink, Oldenbourg, 2007 

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