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INFMS  System Integration Course INF
Lecturers : Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Preuß    eMail
Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Lars Gentsch    eMail
Term 2
Course Classification : Master Informatik (Sommer-Immatrikulation), Vertiefung Network and Mobile Computing (S) CH 4
Language : Deutsch Type VÜS 
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : term paper with oral examination 
Requirements :
Cross References :  
Previous knowledges :  
Aids and special features :  
Teaching aims :  
Contents :


Literature : T. Erl; Z. Mahmood; R. Puttini: Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture, Pearson 2013.
M. J. Kavis: Architecting the Cloud: Design Decisions for Cloud Computing Service Models (SaaS, PaaS, & IaaS), Wiley, 2014.Integration Patterns, Addison-Wesley, 2003
M. Winter, M. Ekssir-Monfared, H. M. Sneed, R. Seidl, L. Borner: Der Integrationstest: Von Entwurf und Architektur zur Komponenten- und System-integration, Hanser-Verlag, 2012
G. Starke: Effektive Softwarearchitekturen: Ein prak-tischer Leitfaden, Hanser-Verlag, 2014
S. Freeman: Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests, Nat Pryce, 2009
J. Humble, D. Farley: Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation, 2010
P. M. Duvall, S. Matyas, A. Glover: Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Redu-cing Risk, 2007
Eberhard Wolff: Continuous Delivery: Der pragmatische Einstieg, 2014
Eberhard Wolff: Microservices: Grundlagen flexibler Softwarearchitekturen, 2015  

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