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MEDI  Software Engineering Course INF
Lecturers : Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Schmidt    eMail
Term 4
Course Classification : Bachelor Medizininformatik CH 4
Language : Deutsch Type VÜ 
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : written examination 120 min 
Requirements : Computer Programming III
Cross References :  
Previous knowledges : Computer Programming I-III 
Aids and special features : Mode of assessment
Pass at course examination
Graded: yes
Continuous Evaluation for assignments.
Overall grade is the course examination grade. 
Teaching aims : The term software engineering is defined. The tasks of software engineering are explained.
The students get to know methods of requirements engineering. They are able to model object-oriented.
In teamwork a greater software task is modeled and documented so that the students acquire practical knowledge.
Analysis and design patterns are introduced as support. The students obtain the ability in analysis of problems and problem solving. Furthermore they obtain social competence by teamwork. As the main aim the students gain method competence in software engineering. 
Contents :

- Definition of software engineering
- Introduction in requirements engineering
- Introduction to analysis and design patterns
- Object-oriented modeling (OOA and OOD) with UML
- Practical application of the learned knowledge in teamwork
- Use of a case tool 

Literature : Balzert H.: Lehrbuch der Objektmodellierung, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag
Balzert H.: Lehrbuch der Software-Technik 2 Software-Management, Software-Qualitätssicherung, Unternehmensmodellierung, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag
Fowler M.: UML konzentriert Addison-Wesley
Gamma E., Helm R., Johnson R., Vlissides J.: Design Patterns. Addison Wesley
Larman G.: Appling UML and Patterns, Person Education
Rupp C., Hahn J., Queins S., Jeckle M., Zengler B.: UML 2 glasklar, Hanser Fachbuch 

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